

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Who Needs Friends?...

I had a lovely phone call from one of my best friends yesterday.  My dear Friend Jane was calling to ask if I'd like to go out for a drink with her this Friday, as it's her birthday.

She then went on to ask when I was due to start my liver diet.  I told her the date and what I'd chosen to eat for those two weeks and her response was this:

"I know it will be hard but you've got to stick to it.  Just think of why you're doing this and it will make it easier.  And I know you might be tempted to pig out the week before the diet starts, but try to cut right down and then your stomach will shrink and you won't be as hungry and if you feel like crap, go to bed.  If you ever feel like cheating, call me okay?  Just call me and I'll give you lots of encouragement."

Who needs friends?  I do.


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