

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Liver Diet Day 11

Total calories: 543

Weight loss: 8.1/4 lb 

It hasn't been too bad today, apart from dinner when I ended up making steak rolls for my husband and daughter.

However, at least I was able to try a different soup - I found some Tesco healthy living soups and bought lentil and vegetable and three bean.  I also made some jelly and had that for afters.

Tomorrow, I'm opting for a Slimfast day.  Superdrug are doing a BOGOF deal on the bottles and I managed to find chocolate, strawberry, banana and cafe latte.

I'm please about the weight loss but have to admit, I was hoping for more.  Still, any weight loss is a bonus and at this stage, it's my liver that needs to shrink, not my waist line!


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