

Monday, 1 September 2014

First Week After Op

It's been a strange week for me because John has been off work with tendinitis in his shoulder.  He's been in a lot of pain and hasn't been able to do much of anything, so we've both been sitting around, bored.

My craving for food has not gone away and it's really getting me down.  I'm sick of soup and yogurt and things that tasted okay before, are now leaving a nasty aftertaste in my mouth.

I've also discovered that the wind pain I was suffering has slowly increased as the week's gone on.  I'm getting immediate wind as soon as I swallow anything and I have major difficulty distinguishing between being full and being full of wind!

I've also had a couple of slips and eaten things I shouldn't have, including some dahl which was just too thick and didn't agree with me.

I'm swinging between feeling an immense regret at having the surgery, this is totally due to not being able to eat anything I can chew, to feeling wonderful as I watch the weight come off, which is averaging out at 2lb per day.


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