

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Liver Diet Day 3

Total calories: 680

Well, today when I woke up, I felt better.  My headache had gone and I generally had more energy.

I asked Ash if she would mind nipping to Tesco to get me some more yoghurts, which she did and I had another cheat-free day.

On the downside, I found that I missed normal food much more today than I have so far.

I was craving anything, literally!  It wasn't difficult to resist, but it was annoying to have to put up with the craving.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be easier and I'm seriously considering getting a days worth of Slimfast, just for a change.

One thing that really cheered me up was getting on the scales.  I discovered I'd lost two pounds in two days :)


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